McCabes Lawyers
Project Overview
Balanced with a strong internal emphasis on culture and values; McCabes’ lawyers combine innovation with commercial savviness, but were lacking the digital presence to match.
The Challenge
How do you stand out in a crowded marketplace, while conveying the values that remain true to your brand? How do you show your flair, while demonstrating your credibility? Celebrating their 25th year in 2016, McCabes needed a fresh approach that would reinforce their reputation as one of Australia’s leading law firms.
The Solution
During the workshop stage, Frank identified various business areas that deserved prominence, and was able to refine and simplify the website structure so users were not overwhelmed with information. Rather, our goal was to introduce the concept of ‘just enough content, just in time’ so that users were able to gain an instant familiarity with the McCabes brand, access key personnel quickly, and engage with helpful content.
Desktop Environment
We scrubbed-up well with a super clean, minimal style throughout; added versatile content elements and sleek visual breakouts.
Beautiful Mobile Experience
Responsive content elements, from landing to inquiry.
Powerful UI
Fun and fresh; Energetic candy-pop UI elements that emphasise people, culture and distinction.